Goats. Goats! GOATS!

With upcoming tournaments and new club leagues on the horizon, I’ve decided to pull out some of the ol’ gors and give them the attention they deserve.

I’ve tried out a new color scheme with the Gor flesh:

  • A coat of Astronomican Grey for the base coat. 
  • Badab Black wash on the recess.
  • The final coat, (not exactly highlights) was ‘Space wolves Grey‘.

Here are some pictures of the results.

I went with Orange and Red colors for the armor and cloth as a unique contrast to the pale and shadowed skin.   While somewhat gaudy, the lore of the Beastmen shows that the bright colors ignite the temper of the short fused Gors.


Orange and Reds

Not only that, but the myriad of colors adds to the chaotic feel of the army. Uniformity can give many armies a cohesive atmosphere, but these are children of Chaos! They are drawn from the darkest woods and heed the call of war as one Tyrant drives them to war as a Herd. Cohesion be damned.

With that, here are the newest additions to the herd!




The Herd Grows.


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4 responses to “Goats. Goats! GOATS!

  1. They look quite good dude. I like the different skin tone to the usual ‘human pink’ you see. The orange is a nice contrasting colour as well. I think in places you could have done a little better with the cleaning of the moldlines, I spot some here and there. Also, I found the fur to blend too much into the skin. I think it might have worked better if you had used a darker grey for the fur itself, but this still works quite well. They have a striking look about them.

    • Hey thanks!

      Yep. I didn’t do that fantastic of a job on the moldlines. I was just cranking through these guys.
      I view most of my ‘core’ as test palettes for the Heroes, Chars, Special etc. However, I’m pretty happy with the coloring on these guys. I’m trying out a ‘shadow herd’ theme and the grey flesh and grey fur is a good attempt. Likewise, I’m not sold on it.

      Glad you enjoyed them and thanks for the feedback!

  2. I really like the look of these guys, although they’ll benefit from getting the bases finished of course. The skin colour on your Gors looks a bit like the one I’m using, albeit much better painted.

    Hmmm, I must get round to actually finishing a unit up to the bases and getting them on my blog.

    • Hey again!
      Thanks for the compliment.
      I’d like to see more of your models, so we can talk shop on them.

      I really do need to base more of them, but I honestly HATE basing. It’s drudgery upon drudgery.
      I plan on using old espresso grounds as dirt, cheap and recycling.
      and the espresso is a fine part of building the army too. SO giving it it’s chance to shine.

      Any basing tips would be appreciated.

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